Review The Routledge Handbook of Consumer Behaviour in Hospitality and Tourism


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The Routledge Handbook of Consumer Behaviour in Hospitality and Tourism

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**The RoutLedge Handbook of Consumer Behavior in Hospitality and Tourism**

#hospitality #Tourism #Consumerbehavior

This comprehensive handbook provides an overview of the latest research on consumer behavior in the hospitality and tourism industries. It covers a wide range of topics, including:

* The psychology of consumer decision-making
* The impact of social media on consumer behavior
* The role of culture in consumer behavior
* The influence of environmental factors on consumer behavior
* The development of new products and services for the hospitality and tourism industries

The handbook is an essential resource for researchers, students, and practitioners who want to understand the factors that influence consumer behavior in the hospitality and tourism industries.

## About the Author

Dr. Xianghong (Shirley) Wang is an associate professor of marketing at the University of South Carolina. Her research interests include consumer behavior, tourism marketing, and social media marketing. She has published her work in leading academic journals, such as the Journal of Consumer Research, the Journal of Marketing, and the Journal of Travel Research.

## Purchase the Book

The RoutLedge Handbook of Consumer Behavior in Hospitality and Tourism is available for purchase from
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