Review Software Metrics: A Rigorous and Practical Approach, Third Edition (Chapman & Hall/CRC Innovations in Software Engineering and Software Development...

Software Metrics: A Rigorous and Practical Approach, Third Edition (Chapman & Hall/CRC Innovations in Software Engineering and Software Development...

[Nhận Bộ Quà Tặng Trị Giá 5 Triệu Đồng Khi Mua Ngay!]: (
[Nhận Bộ Quà Tặng Trị Giá 5 Triệu Đồng Khi Mua Ngay!]: (
**Software Metrics: A Rigorous and Practical Approach, Third Edition**

**Hashtags:** #softwaremetrics #SoftwareEngineering #SoftWaredevelopment


Software metrics are essential for understanding the quality of software and for making informed decisions about its development and maintenance. This book provides a comprehensive overview of software metrics, from basic concepts to advanced techniques. It covers a wide range of topics, including:

* Measurement theory
* Software quality attributes
* Software complexity metrics
* Code metrics
* Testing metrics
* Performance metrics
* Reliability metrics
* Maintainability metrics
* Cost metrics

The book also provides practical advice on how to use software metrics to improve the quality of software and to make better decisions about its development and maintenance.


This book is an excellent resource for anyone who wants to learn more about software metrics. It provides a comprehensive overview of the topic, from basic concepts to advanced techniques. The book is well-written and easy to understand, and it includes numerous examples and exercises. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is interested in software metrics.

**Where to purchase:**

This book is available for purchase from
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