Tricks Kiểm tra proxy có hoạt động hay không với telnet và curl


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**How to Check if a Proxy is Active with Telnet and Curl**


A proxy server is a server that acts as an intermediary between a client and a server. When a client sends a request to a server through a proxy server, the proxy server forwards the request to the destination server and then forwards the response back to the client. This can be used to improve performance, security, and/or privacy.

One way to check if a proxy is active is to use the telnet command. Telnet is a terminal emulation program that allows you to connect to a remote server and send commands. To use telnet to check if a proxy is active, follow these steps:

1. Open a terminal window.
2. Type the following command:

telnet <proxy_host> <proxy_port>

where `<proxy_host>` is the hostname or IP address of the proxy server and `<proxy_port>` is the port number of the proxy server.

3. Press Enter.

If the proxy is active, you will see a message similar to the following:

Trying <proxy_host>...
Connected to <proxy_host>.
Escape character is '^]'.

If the proxy is not active, you will see a message similar to the following:

Connection refused

**How to Check if a Proxy is Active with Curl**

Curl is a command-line tool that allows you to transfer data using various protocols, including HTTP. To use curl to check if a proxy is active, follow these steps:

1. Open a terminal window.
2. Type the following command:

curl -v <proxy_url>

where `<proxy_url>` is the URL of the website that you want to access through the proxy server.

3. Press Enter.

If the proxy is active, you will see a message similar to the following:

* Connected to <proxy_host> (<proxy_port>) port <proxy_port>
* Proxying through <proxy_host> (<proxy_port>)

If the proxy is not active, you will see a message similar to the following:

* Failed to connect to <proxy_host> (<proxy_port>): Connection refused


Telnet and curl are two simple tools that you can use to check if a proxy is active. By using these tools, you can ensure that your proxy server is working properly and that you are able to access the websites that you need to access.


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