Usage for hash tag: Chips

  1. T

    Buy cấn Cần Mua 150$ pokerstars giá 21.5

    ...0 **Looking to buy $150 PokerStars for $21.50!** I'm a big fan of PokerStars and I'm looking to buy some chips to add to my account. I'm willing to pay $21.50 for $150 worth of chips. If you have any chips that you're willing to sell, please leave a comment below with your contact...
  2. N

    Buy 200$ pokerstars cần Cần Mua giá 21.5/1usd

    ...* #khoai tây chiên ======================================= **Attention all pokerstars players!** I'm looking to buy $200 worth of pokerstars chips at a rate of 21.5/1 USD. If you have any chips that you're willing to sell, please leave a comment below with your contact information. I'm a...
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